In 1961, civil rights activists rode interstate buses into the segregated southern United States to test the United States Supreme Court decision Boynton v. Virginia (1960), which had outlawed racial segregation in restaurants and waiting rooms in terminals serving buses that crossed state lines.
The Freedom Riders set out to force this new law into effect by riding various forms of public transportation in the South to challenge local laws or customs that enforced segregation.
From May until November 1961, more than 400 Americans rode south together on the Freedom Rides.
The Riders were young and old, male and female, black, white, and Asian, religious and secular, and from the south, north, east and west of the nation.
Unlike many protests in the Movement, the Riders were not practicing civil disobedience. They were doing exactly what the Supreme Court said they had a right to do.
Freedom Riders bought tickets on buses and trains and traveled into the South, sitting wherever they pleased, as was their right. They knew, however, that Southern segregationists could be counted upon to violate their civil rights, forcing a conflict between the states and the federal government and demanding that an apathetic nation consider the inequality they exposed. The Freedom Riders also knew that this simple act of riding on a bus or train, in violation of a long-held and violently enforced tradition of white supremacy, might very well cost them their lives.

The Freedom Riders were not deterred. They were beaten, bombed, harassed, and imprisoned but they changed the Civil Rights Movement and demonstrated the power of individual action to transform the nation.
The Freedom Riders set out to force this new law into effect by riding various forms of public transportation in the South to challenge local laws or customs that enforced segregation.
From May until November 1961, more than 400 Americans rode south together on the Freedom Rides.
The Riders were young and old, male and female, black, white, and Asian, religious and secular, and from the south, north, east and west of the nation.
Unlike many protests in the Movement, the Riders were not practicing civil disobedience. They were doing exactly what the Supreme Court said they had a right to do.
Freedom Riders bought tickets on buses and trains and traveled into the South, sitting wherever they pleased, as was their right. They knew, however, that Southern segregationists could be counted upon to violate their civil rights, forcing a conflict between the states and the federal government and demanding that an apathetic nation consider the inequality they exposed. The Freedom Riders also knew that this simple act of riding on a bus or train, in violation of a long-held and violently enforced tradition of white supremacy, might very well cost them their lives.

Check out both of these two (4.03)videos about the freedom rides.
Complete the interactive website, following the journey of the Freedom Riders.
Complete the interactive website, following the journey of the Freedom Riders.
Comment on the blog:
The Freedom Riders were black, white, men, women, young and old. Why do you think the group was so diverse? What message did this diversity send? How did segregationists respond to the diversity of the group? What traits do you think the Freedom Riders possessed in order to be willing to die to stand up for what they thought was right?
I think that the group was so diverse because they wanted to prove that all are equal and everyone can be together. The message I think the diversity sent was we can all get along and it does not hurt anyone for us to be different. Segregationists respond with angry and hurt the Freedom Riders by blowing up their bus and beating them. I think the Freedom Riders needed to be brave and to have perseverance.
ReplyDeleteI believe the group was so diverse because whether you are young, old, black, or white you can have a say against discrimination. The message of the diversity of the group was coming off as unification and equality. It was actually quite beautiful! The segregationists responded in a very destructive, violent and in an inhumane away towards the Freedom Riders. The freedom riders attributes are brave, just, selfless, and willing.
ReplyDeletei think that the freedom riders, were very brave to do that. i think they were very brave to do what was right.
ReplyDeleteI think the group was so diverse because they wanted to show that everyone is equal no matter what race, age, or anything you are. I think the message they were trying to send was that people are all equal and that things can be fought for without violet acts and riots. It was saying that everyone should be individuals, but also work together. The segregationists responded with terrible violence. They were brutal. The freedom riders were brave, tough, selfless, and impactful.
ReplyDeleteIt might be so diverse because of they agree to have equal rights and they showed doing so. Many people tried to jail or beat them but they kept on going. The passion of the freedom riders for what they believed whats right made them continue on.
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ReplyDeleteI think the group was so diverse because they wanted to send a message that whites and blacks can work and fight for their own human rights together. I think the group was diverse because they wanted to prove that each human being is equal regardless of their race, age or sex. Segregationists responded with remorseless attempts to hurt the freedom riders and also with anger and wrath. All they wanted to do was make the world a better and safer place. I think the freedom riders showed perseverance, integrity, and never giving up hope. To me, it sounds like they were very determined to have.. well “FREEDOM.”
ReplyDeleteI think the reason why freedom riders were so diverse was because well, not everyone in America who were Caucasian were racists. Not everyone hated blacks, only a percentage of America wanted blacks separated. I think they were diverse also to show that the whites who participated with the freedom riders could show those who had prejudice with blacks that they should stop segregating busses and other separating things. The segregationists reacted with violence and burned at least one bus. I think the freedom riders were determined and had courage to risk their lives to sit where they want and stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe group was so diverse because it caused them to stand out and be noticed by all the people that were ok with blacks being harmed or even killed in some of the areas of the US. The diversity sent a message to those people saying that they where against the segregation of blacks and whites in all of the ways. Also saying that they would in my opion sit with a black person than a stuck up arrogant white person that was against desegregation. First I don't even care about the segregationists because they were wrong in every way you could possibly think of, but they responded as inhuman as a human could be, violent, and destructive. The passion of the Freedom Riders is what drove them to travel the south in order to sow the segregationists that the blacks where just as "normal" as the rest of us and they had the same amount of rights and should be treated the same as the whites. The Freedom Riders had courage, bravery, passion for what as right, love for all people, devoted, ambitious, determined, persistent all of them had those character traits in order to have done what they did and change history for ever.
ReplyDeleteI think the group was so diverse to maybe show that at least one person in each race wants the segregation to end. But it also showed how they worked as one to end it. I also think the diversity helped show how everyone (the races) that might have no segregation laws that, they supported equality and was against discrimination. The segregationists reacted in a violent, immoral way. They punished them for standing up to them. A trait for a Freedom Rider I think is perseverance and determination. They had so many strikes against them that they could just give up and leave. But they did not.
ReplyDeleteI think the Riders were diverse because they were all affected negatively by racism in some way and wanted it over. They showed that not only blacks oppose racism and that it was a problem for all races. Segregationists responded by bombing and beating the Riders. They had to possess:
ReplyDeleteCourage, perseverance, respect for themselves and others, integrity, intelligence, strength in numbers, toughness, and most of all, faith. Faith that they would eventually succeed and that God was on their side.
I think the group was so diverse because they wanted to send a message of unity. The group represented the human race rather than just segregated portions of it. They were showing their support of the federal law, knowing the danger they potentially would face traveling into the segregated south. Some traits i think they exhibited were persistence, courage, confidence, and bravery.
ReplyDelete-Why do you think the group was so diverse?
ReplyDeleteBecause many people of different races wanted to help, and they were there to show togetherness.
-What message did this diversity send?
That they would stay together and they are all equal.
-How did segregationists respond to the diversity of the group?
They showed no respect.
-What traits do you think the Freedom Riders possessed in order to be willing to die to stand up for what they thought was right?
Courage, perseverance, and boldness.
thanks Kara for writing the questions down here so I don't have to scroll up and down :b
DeleteI think the group was diverse because many people know what is right for everyone, not just some black people knew that. the message the diversity sent was that they don't care that some people are black or white it sends that they want equality for everyone! segregationists' didn't like the diversity at all because blacks were sitting with whites! so as a result segregationists' don't like the whites either. they showed courage, perseverance, and that they will fight for their rights!